Welcome to the Palos-Gaidas Funeral Home & Cremation Services! Our funeral facility is located at 11028 Southwest Hwy., Palos Hills, IL 60465, (708) 974-4410. For years, we have served the families of this area and the surrounding communities with compassionate, understanding, and honest care.
We realize that funerals are for the living - they are a celebration of a life lived. With this knowledge, our professional staff strives to provide services that are as truly unique and meaningful as the individual. Our commitment to ensuring that all of your needs and wishes are met is steadfast, and we make ourselves available to you 24 hours a day, every single day of the year.
We welcome any comments or suggestions regarding this website or any of the services that we offer to your family and community. Please feel free to contact us directly at (708) 974-4410 or via email at palosfh@comcast.net.
We have been actively serving the community for over 20 years, providing comfort to those who are left behind while giving dignified service to those who have passed away. We support many community endeavors, including church, civic groups, school, and charitable organizations. Palos-Gaidas Funeral Home & Cremation Services offers funeral home and cremation in: Oak Lawn, Orland Park, and Palos Hills, IL. Call us today!
Plan Ahead
We understand that making the many decisions which come at a time of loss can be difficult. We’ll take the first step with you!
Grief Support
Learning about grief and mourning can help you survive and eventually heal.