A Pretty Flower by A & A Floral Arts

A Pretty Flower by A & A Floral Arts

Florist in Chicago, Illinois

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  •  Delivery
Address: 2334 W Lawrence Ave #100, Chicago, IL 60625
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Google reviews
Megan L
a month ago
Ordered a custom bouquet for a family member's birthday. Let them know it's for a man of good taste and to use interesting flowers and textures. They did a great job. Ordering online was easy, delivery was prompt, and the bouquet was beautiful. Thanks for making this so easy!
Chelsea Hottovy
2 months ago
I used to wander into the store, tell them about how much I wanted to spend, and what the occasion was, and they made the most beautiful creations every single time—often "just because," a few housewarmings, a whiskey tasting, one for my …
Sarah Anderson
2 weeks ago
I ordered from Denver for a relative who lives near this floral shop. The photo that she sent me of the arrangement she received was even more beautiful than what it looked like on the website. I hope to make it in in-person the next time I’m visiting.
From A Pretty Flower by A & A Floral Arts
"Flower shop, selling fresh cut flowers and plants for every day occasions. Full service wedding and event florist. Flowers for corporate and office. Flower subscriptions."
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